Sunday, 15 April 2012


People are born to be weak; they need place for them to depend on in this life. Some of them really depend on another human in order to survive. They depend on the parents, on the teachers and even their lover. But they do not realize that the people they depend on are also very weak. That why some of us when the parents get divorced or their lover had broken the relationship, they started to lose their ways, their mission and vision of life…why?? From today, we have to correct our faith, the true dependent is not human, is not the money or the medicine if you are sick. It is all about Allah who is the controller of everything, who has the power to allow or disallow something from happening to us, and the other creation has no power on the matters that had been fixed by Allah. 

That is the beauty of surrendering everything to Allah!! If you fail your examination then you will not feel hopeless, because you know that everything fixed by Allah and there are always Hikmah behind it. When you are sick and the doctor says that you have no chance to recover, believe in Allah that only Him know the hidden in this earth and heaven, only Allah has the power to take someone life not the doctor or anyone else. When the parents or the lover had leaved us far away then wake up yourself, tell your heart that Allah is still with you, beside he is very near to you and he will be there protecting you day and night. Subhanallah…
Apostasy is not a new issue and problem among the muslim nowadays. This is a very serious crime in Islam as apostasy is punishable with death sentence as stated in hadith of the prophet Muhammad:
Those who converted from the religion of islam, kill him
Apostasy fall under the Hudud punishment, which means the punishment that, had been fixed in islam. Thus this issue must be solved strictly and the failure to catch on with this issue will give very bad impact to the religion of islam itself.
We are wondering why the Muslim people involve in apostasy. They should have realized that religion of islam is very much better compared to the other religions. Religion of islam is made up of a very strong basic, care about the followers and implement the justice among people no matters whether rich or poor  because islam establish the concept of fairness among the people. We have the complete Book of Quran that become the guidance for the Ummah as a whole and which is relevant forever until the end of the day. We even have a very good role model which also being acknowledged by the non muslim as the 1st best leader of the world that is prophet Muhammad. Thus this show that islam is complete enough and it is irrelevant to say that people converted from islam because of the religion of islam itself….
Some of the converted Muslim said that why they converted to islam……because there are too many restriction. They are questioning why should I wear Hijab and cover my Aurah, we are living in the era of millennium, why we should follow the religion of islam which is very primitive…..they questioning why islam prohibited alcohol, why islam prohibited free sex, because this is what desired by the human and why should islam restrict its…
This is the argument of those who has no knowledge about islam. Allah had stated in Quran that he had created human as the best creation. The prohibition that had been fixed in islam is not to restrict the freedom of human but to secure the position of muslim as the best creation in this world. Why Allah had ordered to cover the aurah, is to show the love of Allah especially to the woman. Islam does not look woman as an object that can be shown out to the public that can be taken any time and be thrown out and discriminated when they are not needed. When the muslim themselves do not observe the true teaching of islam they themselves that put their position worst than an animal as stated in the Quran.[3]
Some others said that why they converted from islam is because they live in bad financial condition. When they converted to other religion such Christian, they are given the financial assistant. This could be an issue regarding the administration of the government in regard to the distribution of Zakah to the needy. Through the statement given in the media, about 3 million had been collected from the payment of zakah, and it is irrelevant when the government said that we do not know where this money should be given to……they should open their eyes, there are too many Muslim people outside that are very poor, not eating for weeks, still living under the box, some of them have to earn money by doing the crime and even becoming the prostitute, thousand of the students in IPT  become apostate in order to find money to support their studies!!!They are the people that should be help because if we late in doing so, then there will be other people that will come to help them with the hidden agenda. Beside as a Muslim, we have to realize that everything that happens to us is the test from Allah. Some of them asking why they are born in poor family, does it is because Allah does not care about them or Allah does not love them? We must believe that every test from Allah is the sign of His love. The test must come first before the present is given by Him. The most important thing is for the Muslim to strengthen their faith on Allah, learn to be sincere on the fates fixed by Allah and continuously working hard and don’t forget to prey upon Him.
It also a problem when people embrace into Islam not because the guidance given by Allah but when they enter into religion of islam in order to get married to a Muslim and because of the hidden agenda. They have no sincere intention on islam, despite being a Muslim but at the same time they hate this religion very much. As a result when they get divorce then they go back to their old religion.
Nowadays people easily become apostate, why? This is because Muslim nowadays has very little faith on Allah. They easily converted to another religion when they are tested with the poverty or when they feel burdened with the rule and regulation in Islam, we have to remember, we are not a Muslim until we are tested by Allah.


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